Contract Whist is a card game app for Android. Play single or online multiplayer.
Game variants include Oh Hell and Romanian Whist.

Download v4.0 from the Google Play Store

Download the v4.0 .APK file direct

The game is a close variation on Romanian Whist, Oh Hell, Nomination Whist, Vanishing Whist and Diminishing Bridge. Also known as Ascenseur or Elevator whist in France.

           Contract Whist is a free trick based card game where you play against 2-5 AI opponents or live online multiplayer. You play with a standard deck of playing cards. 

The option to play Romanian Whist is included together with long and short variants. 

The multiplayer game is included with a lobby system for finding players online, the ability to join and leave existing games, and a seperate highscore table for multiplayer. 

This is free to play with no added extra costs.